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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Capitalism vs proper health (psychological treatment will synthetic pills)

The negativity connection is a chain of negativity, the understanding that negativity can be passed off like a virus. For example if someone is being negative, say in a bad mood, complaining etc… and they interact negatively with another person, for instance by being rude, argumentative or just plain sarcastic, chances are they would have passed the negative virus onto that person waiting for that person to pass it to another. When you find yourself with the negative virus, you must do things that make you feel good, without interacting negatively with any other person. Agreeable beings are beings that are able to make decisions, while still able to compromise without giving up of their cause. Disagreeable beings will not compromise and are often close minded, childish and unable to understand others point of views. Negative feelings or actions or just plain negativity is a disease and spreads quickly as negativity can be passed from one person to the next, however there is a cure. Tolerance and understanding are the only cure for negativity. Understand that tolerance and understanding from everyone can eliminate racism, sexism and prejudices for good. Without tolerance you cannot achieve understanding of things you dislike. Without understanding you are susceptible to hate and hate comes from fear, even though people hate to admit it. If you cannot understand the logics of something you find illogical then you do not understand…”everyone has a reason for their actions, even if it seems illogical”. Fear is the root to negativity or the negative virus, but what started fear?Fear was a result of lack of understanding, due to different tribes, groups or colonies and their different ways of survival. Possible language barrier may have caused the tribes to war rather than communicate, which again stems from lack of understanding. Also over time with the stem of lack of understanding over ambition to be leader emerged. This is due to lack of understand as the root of a problem. The opioid, GABA, serotonin, dopamine and norepinepherine are all brain chemicals that handle or are in relation to stress and mood behaviors. Stress in abundance causes these chemicals to run out. Low opioid levels cause increase in dopamine release; this causes a feeling of alertness and anxiety, continued dopamine release causes emotional fatigue. When dopamine is released it is exactly the same chemical reaction to small cocaine use. The greatest release of dopamine is sexual climax. Low GABA increases norepinepherine release, causing quick emotional responses like anger and discourages logical thinking. High norepinepherine causes adrenaline, which causes faster heart beat and sweat glands become active. Low GABA also decreases serotonin and low serotonin causes low opioid levels. Serotonin is a very important brain chemical; it is affected from everything from lack of sleep to nicotine, to legal and illegal drugs and even food. Most importantly is how oxygen flows to the brain. For instance when you yawn it means there is a lack of oxygen flowing to the brain, and usually occurs when you are tired. They say animals can smell fear, does that mean fear has a scent? Going back to high norepinepherine levels that cause adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and sweat glands to become active, with this information I would have to say yes fear does have a scent, whether humans can smell it or not. This being said we understand that fear having a scent means it comes from a chemical base. We know that norepinepherine releases the sweat glands, we also know that high levels of norepinepherine is the result of another chemical either being high or low in levels, as that chemical is also affected by another. Is it safe to say that fear is a result of a mixture of chemicals that manifest together inside of us depending on our experiences and that fear is a disease that is slowly killing us mentally and then physically?
For instance if a doctor tells you “you have only six months to live”, mentally without a strong mind you are destroyed, which leads to you becoming physically destroyed. Stress in our fast paced society is unavoidable, and stress is the gateway to these problems. On earth we cannot avoid bad things happening, it is a part of life and growing and understanding. You cannot ever avoid stress, however every chemical created in the brain is created by electric impulse first… in other words thought is first before all. To avoid or limit stress all one can do is simply be an optimist over being a pessimist. The coded bible and I called it the coded bible because all the Abramic religions are coded for those humans considered angels of the secret societies. In the coded bibles it states “ye shall fear nothing but fear itself”. Fear is a disease, it has spread or evolved into negativity and is the mother disease to alcohol, drugs, abuse, violence, stress, emotional dysfunction, un-healthy living, etc… and these all produce or interact some way with common diseases. Our immune system fights off disease that affects our bodies, the brain controls the immune system, and therefore a brain infection such as stress or emotional dysfunction could possibly affect the immune systems performance. The first line of defense against disease is the immune system and a healthy immune system will guarantee a healthy body. This means before or with treatment of a disease humans should constantly be working to improve their immune systems.

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