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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who and what are humans?

It’s a known fact that the earth has been hit by meteors in the past that devastated the life of earth at the time. Many scientists will agree that Darwin’s theory of evolution fails to explain how humans overcame thousands of deficiencies within the human DNA structure. Discovery of fossils indicate that Neanderthal or primitive man lived along side with Cro-Magnon man, which is what modern man is or stemmed from. Yet mysteriously it seems these two species did not interbreed. Scientific testing also showed that modern human remains in pre-historic Israel predated Neanderthal remains by 40,000 years, which sent a severe blow to the theory of continuous evolution. Modern scientist now claim that modern man killed off Neanderthal man… except no one has bothered to question where Neanderthal man came from. The Kenyathropus Platyops is a 3.5 million year old extinct hominine species that was discovered in Kenya Africa. The fossil found features a broad flat face with a toe bone that suggests it walked up-right. The oldest remains of ancient humans can be found in Africa. In early man, magnesium was the main molecule in a pigment cell called melanin, but for some reason changed to iron and scientist today are still unsure why. When iron is mixed with water and oxygen, which is abundant in humans, it rusts. This could be what happened to early man, as ancient pictorials often draw their ancients as a light greenish-olive tone skin color, with wholly-hair. If the rust theory is correct, then it would explain that early man changed from a greenish-olive skin-tone to a brown skin color. The change possibly could have happened due to a change in diet. For instance eating an abundance of carrots, one’s skin would turn orange. Too much silver deposits turns a person bluish purple. So possibly continuous generations of eating vegetation and no meat, it could have one’s skin-tone greenish. Now I realize that the earth and human presence is way over 10,000 years ago, but my claims are that previous to 10,000 years ago mankind was not eating meat. Aside from other religions teaching the practice of vegetarianism, the bible itself has it coded for us to see. Eating meat has caused humans to become sick and has caused us to have defects within our DNA structure. The genealogy of mankind begins in Africa and South America as a super continent, where the greenish-olive tone skinned man lived and ate lush vegetation and fruits. The earth over millions of years changed climate and experienced periods of global heating, where fire and lava consumed the earth, global flooding occurred later where the entire earth was covered in water, a global frost or as we know it an ice age followed. Our current period of element is earth, the leading element of our planet called Gaia by our ancients.As the earth changed so did the gases that surround us. Early mankind was greenish-olive toned, but change in atmosphere gave result to children being born of dark brown skin. At the point of frost periods many dark skinned humans that traveled north were affected. They were forced to live within caverns for heat, and vegetation was lost to them and for their own survival they killed and ate meat. The lack of sunlight and raw meat contributed to a skin impairment by affecting a pigment cell within the body known as melanin. These new mutated beings were light brown or yellowish skinned and their wholly hair had begun to straighten as new generations were born. Within all the bibles and sacred scriptures this story is hidden. Some would say that evolution takes more than a few generations; however I think creatures such as the wholly-mammoth that became the elephant over a short period of time prove that minor genetic changes can occur within a few generations. The tree of knowledge of good and evil also known as the tree of consciousness. This is the mythical tree that possessed the forbidden fruit. The tree of knowledge is not literally a tree and the forbidden fruit is not literally a fruit… understand this.Adam is the seed of the family tree and the tree of knowledge is the animal tree. Ancient mankind owes everything it knows to the animals, as early man observed the animals and learned such things as survival techniques from shelter to caring for our young. We have learned from animals and not the opposite. In ancient Native American myths it was said that each animal taught the human a secret and once every secret was taught mankind became dominant over all. At first it was done to create order, but then the wise owl was sad and said; “we have given man power that he can use to save his survival, now who, who, who will save us from man”.Within the coded bible it states that God clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of an animal before he banishes them from the Garden of Eden. The bible also states that after the act of eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve become conscious of their nakedness and clothed themselves with figs. Now here is the code hidden by symbology, which our priest and pastors never told us or probably never bothered to understand. Why would the good god kill an innocent animal to clothed sinners? God said they could eat any fruit from the Garden of Eden except the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or of consciousness and says nothing of eating animals but states murder of any creature is forbidden. The symbology was written to be misinterpreted because evil has prevailed.The first sin symbolically was murder and banishment was the change, when evil or negativity entered man’s heart and became justification.This is the story of both survival and selfishness, as ancient man that suffered in the caverns during the ice age and the fact that they had to eat meat because vegetation was none. Mankind chose to justify its survival by taking life, but was cursed with disease because of it. Later on in the bible (about 2000 years) it states “god” gave Noah permission to eat animals but states: ”All wild animals and birds and fish will be afraid of you, I have placed them in your power and they are yours to use as food in addition to grain and vegetables. But never eat animals unless their life blood has been drained off and murder is forbidden, man killing animals must die”.To my understanding this means man was only able to eat animals if they died naturally and was not permitted before Noah.Now melanin is a pigment cell that is responsible for the color of our skins. Within each living organism melanin appears to be located in major functional sites. The more melanin a person has the darker skin-tone they have, the lighter the skin-tone, the less amount of melanin. The amount of melanin in the outer-layers of the skin act as a filter to prevent the damaging to the delicate deeper layers of the skin by the penetration of ultra violate light given off by the sun. Melanin actually attracts sunlight and it naturally thickens your outer-layers. For instance the darker you are, the thicker your skin is and the lighter you are, the thinner your skin is and this is why the sun is more dangerous to white people. Most people believe skin color is a result of where a person lives, but this is absurd and should never be considered scientific. If this were true then brown skinned people living in Canada or Northern Europe would eventually after centuries turn white or at least lighter and white people living in Africa would eventually turn brown and not just tanned. But the truth is many white people cannot stay in extreme sunlight because they sun-burn. Skin cancer is the second most common cancer in the U.K with more than 40,000 new cases and about 2000 deaths per year. A more recent study has jumped the number to 70,000 new cases per year and another fact is no matter how much sun a straight haired person takes, they cannot change into a wholly haired person, but wholly hair can be straightened. Now melanin can become toxic from eating improper foods and over and under eating and most importantly lack of sunlight. When melanin becomes infected it causes blood diseases. It seems that the Neanderthal-man was a hemophiliac and suffered from hemophilia, which is a disease that makes a person continuously bleed for long periods of time after an injury. They may also bleed internally especially in the joins of knees, ankles and elbows. A person with hemophilia has a problem with certain protein in the blood called clotting factors.Now if all this is accurate it explains the evolution of wholly haired beings into straight haired beings. It is clear that a mathematical knowledge existed thousands of years ago. The mathematics had to have been from a compile of studies and recorded information from earlier times to have such an excellent understanding of the advanced math. We also know early-man was living in Israel and other parts of Europe previous to the ice age. If the ice age didn’t cover the entire world, which is not likely to have happened; it probably only covered Europe and possibly parts of Western Asia and the northern Americas, however Africa was most likely un-phased. In order to survive an ice age early man would have had to use the caverns, which Neanderthal man was known to be… a cave dweller, hence the term cave-man.Is it possible that early man that went into the caverns to survive the extreme cold, but also ended up making their melanin toxic due to lack of sun-light?An analysis of DNA of the indigenous people of the British Isles shows an extremely close connection to the people of North Africa, which suggest these people descended from North Africans, and maybe because of the mentioned circumstances minor genetic changes occurred. What also should be noted is that after the ice age was the Bronze Age or Copper Age and man could only have found copper while deep in the caverns.The Qur’an among other religious texts such as the Sumerian Tablets describe ancient surgeries that involved gene spicing, cloning attempts and other biological experiments and medical procedures. My theory is that Neanderthal man was not killed off completely to its extinction, but rather the hemophiliac man was cured from his medical disease and became what it had originally been, the Cro-Magnon man. The present theory of modern man killing off Neanderthal man is based on scientist claims that modern man is believed to have been more intelligent than the Neanderthal and the fact that no Neanderthals exist today. Yet these loose facts cannot fully prove that modern man killed Neanderthal and the fact that hemophiliacs do exist gives the theory of Neanderthal creatures overcoming a physical disease more possibility. The loss of literature has also made common man lost to what ancient knowledge we once had.Only a few of Homers poems survived the destruction of his works by the Greek tyrant Peisistratus in Athens. Nothing survived the destruction of the Egyptian library in the Temple of Ptah in Memphis. An estimate of 200,000 volumes of literature was also lost in the destruction of the library in Pergamus in the Asia Minor. When Romans attacked the city of Carthage they destroyed a library that contained over 500,000 volumes of text. When Julius Caesar was at war with Egypt that resulted in the lost of the Great Library in Alexandria, which was considered the greatest collection of books in antiquity, and with the loss of the Serapeum and the Bruchion branches of that library a total of 700,000 books were burnt in flames and lost forever to the general public. Whatever survived was later destroyed by Christians in 391AD and would continue until they reached the new world. Only 4 documented Mayan text are known to have survived, everything else the Native people had documented was destroyed.

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