Jesus of Nazareth was founder of the Christian movement some 2000 years ago and few people know the story of the beginning of Christianity. As many already know Jesus was a mysterious man that was often claimed to be the son of god. To many he was a magical healer that had the power of god. The term Christ came from the Greek word Christos which referred to a ceremony where princes were initiated into power as kings. The ceremony consisted of pouring water or sacred oils over the head of the initiated; this would later be known as a baptism. When Jesus began to baptize common man this outraged authorities because it was a protest against kings and rulers that convinced the people they had special connections to god that no other man could have. Jesus also protested against usury or the taxation of the people. These are the facts at the basis of the ‘story’. For 300 years after his death and during the 33 years of his life the belief was persecuted. During his life, King Herod of Judaea was placed in power by the Roman Emperor Caesar, and 300 years later King Herod’s descendent Constantine 1st would become the Roman Emperor and ‘legalize’ Christianity. He took control of the church and created a council with him at the head to decide what should be documented as official Christian scriptures…and it became law, while the church was exempt from taxation the people faced high taxes and severe punishments for refusing to pay. The Roman Empire Constantine also in the process created the council of Nicaea, which was a closed circle of kings, priest and scholars that put together the ‘official Christian doctrine’. The council chose was text would become legitimate and which were to be completely discarded and forgotten. Days to be honored such as the dates of astronomical events were concealed behind mythical fables that would teach philosophies of life, and they would be known as holy days to later become holidays. The strength of the Roman Empire would not last forever though, and in its later stages became known as the Byzantine empire, which had started with the Emperor Constantine 1st, who moved the imperial capital city in 330AD from Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constantinople or Nova Roma meaning new Rome. Rome was beginning to have problems within its empire since the beginning of the century due to religious tension and the citizens of foreign nations paying taxation to the empire. At the time many had different views of what Jesus message had been, while some believed him to be more of an activist, this idea was suppressed for the more orthodox-church belief of Jesus being truly unique to him being of the gods. In the later stages of the Roman Empire the barbarian tribes one by one began attacking the Roman Empire in battles for independence. These battles although Rome remained mostly victorious their army was slowly declining. What was known as the barbarian tribes were tribes that Rome ruled over and consisted of the Alemani (Germany), Burgundians (Switzerland), Suevi (Portugal), the Anglo-Saxons (Britain), the Visigoths (Spain) the Lombards (Italy) and the Franks (France). The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli tribes that helped were later destroyed by the pope for refusing to become Christians like the other 7 out of the 10 nations did. However where the Roman Empire left off the Holy Roman Catholic Empire took over. The Holy Roman Empire only officially took over in 800AD, but during the beginning of the raids on the Roman Empire, Rome and Constantine were able to unite the kings of the barbarian tribes to the Catholic Church and through Catholic Christianity Rome was able to establish undisputed supremacy in Western Europe. The Merovingian’s were a tribe of people and are said to be descendents of the house of Benjamin of the 12 tribes of Israel, which eventually became the bloodline of Sicambrian Franks, which became the leading bloodline of the Merovingian Franks.Clovis 1st reigned over the Merovingian dynasty from 481AD to 511AD and was the person responsible for converting his people into Roman Catholics. In the early 5th century the Merovingian’s established themselves in what is now Belgium and Northern France. Clovis was then granted a new title, as he became known as “new Constantine”. Hundreds of years later the Frankish King Charlemagne would be crowned by Pope Leo 3rd, Holy Roman Emperor. Catholic Christianity would continue to dominate Europe enforcing the Catholic belief and suppressing all other forms of Christianity. The Cathars were a southern France peoples of unorthodox Christian religious beliefs that also practiced vegetarianism, sexual continence and reverence to Jesus as an activist and did not believe in the necessity for a priest or pope. They mainly settled in a region called Languedoc. The regions name derives from a distinct French dialect spoken in that area. For instance, instead of the word oui meaning yes, Oc meant yes. The area of Languedoc was once called the land of Oc as well.In 1208 Pope Innocent 3rd issued a law known as the bull of anathema against the Cathar belief. In July of 1209 a large army of soldiers from northern France reportedly massacred 20,000 people and by 1242 the Cathar belief was almost completely eliminated. Languedoc was also the home to ancient groups that were descendents of Greeks and Romans. After this point the church took over and secret societies concealed an important secret. This secret became popularized as the DaVinci Code only the truth of the matter was distorted. For centuries secret societies manipulated the truth and followed the path of the codes. However through mis-interpretation and diversions the story became a controversial theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child and moved into France to merge into the Merovingian dynasty. It was claimed that this secret was concealed inside the painting the Last Supper by Leonardo DaVinci; however the secret was not that of a child but of an idea. The secret is about the truth to Christianity as a movement against taxes and false leaders, not what the church made it out to be. The Holy Roman Empire was then dissolved by Francis 2nd in 1806, which is an important time to remember, as the French and American Revolutions had just occurred a few years earlier, and there was a wave of revolutions worldwide that would occur from this point until the world wars. These points mark the era when kings and monarchies were replaced with democratic governments and the people’s interest flowed towards science and liberal philosophies.
Protestants:Between 1337 and 1453 the hundred year’s war, which was actually fought for 116 years was being fought between England and France and the war was because English kings tried to make claims to the French throne which resulted because of the treaty of Paris when the French princess married the English prince and had children. During this same period people in southern France and other areas nearby began opposing the catholic belief and were being persecuted as heretics. All heretics became labeled as “the lollards”. During the 1200s to about the 1500s a generally accepted catholic belief was that the way for one to ensure that he or she went to heaven instead of the fiery pits of hell was to give money to the priest or monks so that they would pray for their souls. This led to peasants having to choose between going to heaven or feeding their families. Often poor people would pay the church and have faith that god would provide food for their families. Eventually some people realized that god nor the church would feed them. People known as the lollards would later become known as Protestants when King Henry 8th of England created the protestant church. The Spanish inquisition was a movement set by the request from the Moors in Spain. It resulted for a while in a peaceful multi-religious society, but later became a violent anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic persecution that made many Jews and Muslims convert to Christianity in fear.At this time the catholic monarchs controlled Spain. Queen Isabella 1st of castle and her husband king Ferdinand 2nd of Aragon were given the title the catholic king and queen by Pope Alexander 6th. The king and queens first daughter Isabella 2nd married prince Alfonso of Portugal which forged an alliance between Spain and Portugal. Juana the second daughter married prince Philippe the son of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian 1st. The third child was Juan who married Margaret of Austria which made stronger ties to the Habsburg dynasty. Maria the fourth child married Manuel 1st of Portugal and the fifth child Catherine married King Henry 8th of England. Catherine was also the mother of Queen Mary 1st of England. King Henry was first a follower of the Catholic belief, but when King Henry wanted to take on other wives he began the protestant belief to be able to commit divorce. Although this was the surface story, there was more to all of this being done on a grand scale. In 1610 a new religious movement in Germany known as the Rosicrucian movement arose and made their new doctrine public. The doctrine was titled “the universal and general reformation of the whole-wide world” and was made public in 1614. The doctrine was in the form of a book which described how a member of the sect had been wandering in the woods when he had come across the grave of a man named Christian Rosenkrantz. There the author claimed to have found three books that Rosenkrantz had apparently written. It also appeared from the writing that Rosenkrantz had lived 106 years, being born in 1384 and dying in 1490. In Rosenkrantz books were his visions of a future paradise in which men believed in a god or Supreme Being, whom people of all different religions could worship while granting religious tolerance to everyone. What’s interesting is that between 1550 and 1700 the Freestone-masons changed from being a trade union of working masons that accepted all the doctrines of the Christian catholic belief, to a legally accepted organization of intellectuals called the Free-masons who favored religious toleration and friendship between men of different religious beliefs who acknowledged the belief of a one supreme god. Eight years after the Rosicrucian movement began in Germany, in bohemia a 30 year war occurred from 1618 to 1648 and was fought between the religious groups, however it ended in a compromise with some states being protestant and some states catholic, but by then already 1/3 of the German population had died. In England, Scotland, and Ireland around the same time war between the king and parliament were being fought. The war began as a religious war, but during it an intellectual society named the Royal Society had emerged and shifted views. The Royal Society was devoted to scientific research and non-religious interest became the focal point of the people in those areas. During the 1500s king James and his company of masons which was the Bakers Company in Glasgow Scotland were reading the bible which made a lot of people want to join masonry, since the bible was not yet translated. Before this point the Roman Catholic Church didn’t want the bible translated because they feared that people would question Rome’s authority. Before the translation, the bible was only available in Greek and Latin and only members of the church such as the pope, priest or monks were able to read the text. Anyone that wanted to know the word of god would have to get their religious information from a church approved authority with the qualifications to read it in its original language. Originally the church feared a statement written in Latin: “tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam”. Which means: “thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church”. Rome feared readers would point out that there was no reference to Peter ever having traveled to Rome and then people would question why the bishop of Rome was the supreme leader of the church. It should be questioned though as to why secret societies that had already knew the translation waited until this period to reveal it to the public. This whole set-up was a conflict / solution tactic. During this time many Europeans were already beginning to view Rome as tyrants and overpowering rulers. Rosicrucian’s helped set the stage and England whose rulers were descendants of Romans portrayed themselves as more democratic and liberal. The reality of it was Rome needed to maneuver power to avoid economic anarchy and England and France battled for supremacy of the mason unions.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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