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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Secrets of Judaism
“Jews” are members of a large group that range from Israelites of the ancient Middle-East and converts. The earliest archeological records of Jewish people in the land of Israel practicing Judaism dates back to 1200BCE. By the 8th century foreign conquest and expulsion had caused the Jewish people to convert from their belief, become slaves or flee their homelands to migrate elsewhere. For centuries Judaism was a lost religion, until after the age of enlightenment. Only since the 18th century has Judaism become a major force. The word “Jew” come from the old French word ‘giu’, which was earlier derived from ‘juieu’ and that from the Latin word iudeus (J = I in Latin) and that from the Greek word ioudaious. The word in Latin translates to mean Judaean meaning “from the land of Judaea”. After Moses exodus from Egypt to Israel King Saul generations later would become the first official king of Israel. Saul was the son of a man named Kish and a member of the tribe of Benjamin of the 12 tribes of Israel. Previous to Saul becoming king, the Ammonites led by Nahash attacked Jabesh-Gilead; which was an ancient city located near the Jordan River and were forced to surrender. The Ammonites traced their roots back to Lot, Abraham’s nephew and were considered to be close relatives to the Israelites. Under the terms of the capture prisoners were forced into slavery and had their right eye removed as a sign of slavery. The city’s slaves later sent out word of what was happening to the other tribes of Israel and they assembled an army under the leadership of Saul who would lead them to victory. In gratitude and appreciation of his military skill the people congregated at Gilgal and acclaimed Saul as king and publically anointed him into his position. The Israelites were the majority of culture living in Canaan and later became the dominant force of the Kingdom of Israel and the land of Judah through earlier feats of warfare from the point of Moses exodus up to the era we are presently discussing. It should be known that even though Moses presented the commandment “thou shall not kill”, he engaged in brutal raids which can be seen in the Israelite conquest of Canaan. For instance the battle of Jericho was a brutal massacre Led by Joshua, an Israelite born in Egypt and Moses leading general during the 40 years of traveling the desert. During the battle of Jericho the Israelite once slaves of the Egyptians raided Jericho a Canaanite district and brutally murdered every man, woman and child and continued to burn the village to the ground. This act of violence was not to take over the city of Jericho it was an act of terror to instill fear in the Canaanite lands.King Saul was anointed in 1020BCE but by 920BCE the kingdom split into two districts Israel in the north and Judah in the south. During King Saul’s reign the united Israelites were in battle against the Philistines and as the story goes young David would face Goliath and defeat him. After the battle David becomes appointed to lead King Saul’s army, but rumors quickly spread that David is a much greater warrior than Saul. This made Saul jealous and weary that David might want to take over the Kingdom, so he decided that David would have to die. However before Saul could strike, David received word and fled into hiding. Meanwhile the Israelites were still at war with the Philistines and during a battle Saul and his son Jonathan were killed. When David received word of Saul’s death he headed to Hebron where he was anointed as King over Judah. In the North Saul’s other son Ish-Bosheth had succeeded to be King of Israel but was quickly assassinated. The elders of the north would then travel to Hebron and proclaim David as king of Israel and Judah. King David would continue to wage war and conquered the Jebusite fortress of Jerusalem and made it his capital city. King Hiram of Tyre would then become close allies to King David sending him cedar trees and masons to build King David a magnificent temple. David would continue to extend his kingdom by conquering Zobah, Aram (Syria), Edom, and Moah (Jordan) and even the land of the Philistines. King David would have 13 children, Solomon being the 13th. Solomon succeeded his father as king and is described as the last king of united Israel before the kingdom split into north and south. The temple that was originally built in his father’s time was completed and became known as King Solomon’s temple, he also stayed close allies to King Hiram. There are many mysteries associated with King Solomon, from the seal of Solomon which is a mysterious ring symbolized by a six-pointed star inside a circle believed to have given him magical powers to the knights of Templar that are believed to have found secret knowledge deep within his temple walls. After King Solomon the views of Judaism began to differ, it was even said that during King Solomon’s life he secretly turned away from the worship of Yahweh to favor many different gods and daemons. Queen Sheba was the ruler of Sheba an ancient kingdom in Ethiopia. It was said she first travelled to Israel with gifts and riddles to test the wisdom of King Solomon. Tales conclude she left “satisfied”. Biblical scholars are still unsure to what that meant exactly, however within the songs of Solomon there are various statements that can be interpreted as referring to a love between King Solomon and Queen Sheba. Under Ethiopian traditions it is noted that Queen Sheba on her return home after many months gave birth by the Mai Bella stream in the province of Hamasien Eritrea. The child was named Menelik and grew up to be the first emperor of Abyssinia and founded a dynasty that would remain in power until Haile Selassie was overthrown in 1974. Many different types of “Jews” exist around the world, we have the Mizrahi Jews, Teimanim or Yemenite or Omani Jews of Africa, the Gruzim and Juhurim Jews from the Caucasus, Bene Israel, Bnei Menashe, Cochin and Telugu Jews from India, Romaniotes of Greece, Italkim of Italy, the Bukharan Jews of Central Asia, Kaifeng Jews of China, and the Persian Jews of Iran. The divisions mainly come from the growth of languages. Hebrew is the official language of Judaism; the language is closely related to Aramaic. Modern Hebrew is now one of two official languages of the state of Israel; however it had been lost for centuries. The dialect was revived by Eliezer Ben Yehuda in Palestine in 1881 at a time when no one spoke the Hebrew language. Yiddish is the other official language of Israel and historically was the language of Ashkenazi Jews. Arabic is the largest living member of the Semitic language family and classified as central Semitic. Central Semitic languages were Canaanite or ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Ugartic. Aramaic was the main language of the Talmud scriptures. The Talmud is a recording of Rabbi discussions pertaining to Jewish laws, ethics, customs and history. The Talmud has two components; the Mishnah, which was the first written compile of Judaism oral law and the Gemara. Aramaic belongs to the Afro-Asian language family, which is composed of the original unions of African, southwest Asian and Arabic language zones. Modern “Jews” are divided into two primary groups; the Ashkenazi Jews (Germanic), and the Sephardim Jews (Sephardic), both are politically, socially and racially different. The term “Jew” since has come to be used synonymously with the term Israel or Israelite, however this is an error. Israelite descendents of the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) were never called “Jews”. Modern Judaism as a religion officially began in the 10th century and is traced to Rabbenu Gershon of Mainz. By 745BCE to 722BCE the northern Kingdom Israel was conquered by the Assyrian King Shalmaneser 5th. The Israelites were then exiled into Assyria. Assyria grew to a huge population and eventually out grew its land capabilities and the people migrated north through the Caucasus Mountains and into central and western Europe. The Khazars were a culture of people that originated with Kozar the son of Togarmah. Togarmah is mentioned in the Torah as the grandson of Japheth the son of Noah of the ark. Before the Khazars converted to Judaism, which officially began with Moses another descendent of Noah mentioned in the Torah but not a Kazar himself, they were Turkish people whom practiced forms of what is considered paganism and many of the Turks from that era were known to be descendents of the lost tribes of Israel. In 722BC King Shalmaneser 5th and king Sargon 2nd conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and sent Israelites into exile or into captivity in an area called khorason, which is part of modern-day eastern Iran and western Afghanistan. The name Khazar also seems to be connected to the Turkish verb "gezer" meaning "wandering". In the 6th century the people founded an independent khaganate and over time developed into a Judaism belief. The early khazars settled in southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, eastern Ukrain, Azerbaijan, areas of the Caucasus Mountains and Crimea.A khaganate or khagan also known as great khan is a Turkish or Mongolian title equal to emperor. By the 670'sAD Khazar royalty had converted to Judaism and the entire population soon followed. As far as my knowledge takes me, the Khazar belief and Christian belief merged when Leo 4th became pope in 751. Leo was the son of Emperor Constantine 5th by his first wife, Irene of Khazaria; His maternal grandfather was Bihar, a Khazar ruler. The “Jews” after their rebirth in the 1800’s would quickly become the target of Nazi Germany almost a century later. With the cause of secret societies such as the illuminati Bavarian claiming to be a Jewish conspiracy in 1776, leaving their mysterious farewell message signed “we the Jews”, or the earlier set up of the protocols of the learned elders of Zion, which was a book with a detailed plan on how to overthrow the world’s governments, the Jews as a whole had been set up as pawns in a larger game of international banking. Truly anyone can criticize what they do not understand, and anyone can listen to conspiracy theories that show a handful of people with plenty, without showing the very many without. Zionism is a relatively new term, and was created after world war two. Zionism is a political movement that originally supported the re-establishment of the Jewish people in Palestine, the land of Israel. Since 1948 it became the world’s first and only Jewish state. Although on the surface Zionism seems to be a much needed cultural movement, the facts are many “Jew’s” do not support Zionism for many reasons. The religious Jews who by virtue of their faith, clearly contradicted Zionist nationalism because of the words of king Solomon, and who had lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors for generations, became unwillingly identified with the Zionist cause and their struggle with the Arabs. The Zionist movement upon others is not much different to the Nazi system of a master race. Coincidentally, as according to “god’s plan”, prophecy states that the end of times would come when Jews re-conquered Israel and reestablished King Solomon’s temple. Amazingly the Zionist were given Israel after world war two by the United Nations. Unlike other religions, Judaism is not open for everyone and requires extreme dedication, simply calling yourself a “Jew” is not enough. This enclosed information leaves non-Jews to have no real understanding of Judaism and the connections it can provide to a truth seeker. ”Nothing is truly new; it has all been done or said before. What can you point to that is new? How do you know it didn’t exist long ago? We don’t remember what happened in those former times, and in future generations no one will remember what we have done back here”Ecclesiastes 1: 9-11 The biblical figure Enoch was Noah’s great grandfather that had lived before the great flood. Enoch translates literally to “initiate” and in the Jewish religious texts known as the book of Enoch, a figure named Uriel explains the workings of astronomy to a man from the Middle-East. The Sefer-Hazohar or in English is called the book of light, and it is a Jewish text that pre-dates the Talmud, which is a complication of ancient Jewish laws and traditions. According to the book of light, the mysteries of wisdom were given to Adam from god and these secrets were passed on to his sons, which eventually came into the hands of Noah and down the generations to Abraham.In the bible Abraham was said to have in his possession a tablet of symbols that represented all the knowledge of human-kind that had been handed down from the time of Noah. This same tablet was known to Sumerians as the tablet of destiny and later known to early Jewish people as the book of Raziel. The book of Raziel ironically is also said to be what provided King Solomon with his large variety of wisdom.The tablet of symbols that Abraham had was also known as Ha-Qabala meaning light and knowledge and became known that he who possessed Qabala also possessed ram, which was the highest expression of cosmic knowledge, or in other words “one who understands the truth about god and the universe”. In the bible Abrahams name means father of nations, however his name, before “god” changed it was Abram. Ab-ram or Av-ram means “he who possesses ram” in Hebrew. The Sumerian tablet of destiny also seems similar to the tables of testimony mentioned in the biblical stories of Moses and the Exodus 31:18. Other verses in Exodus 24:12 and 25:16 also make it clear that these tables are not the 10 commandments. It seems with enough tracing these tables and tablets trace back to ancient Egypt’s’ emerald tablets of Thoth. The Egyptian deity Thoth was later remodeled into the Greek mythical figure called Hermes. Thoth was said to be the holder ancient knowledge. The alchemical records of Egypt were originally written and preserved by the biblical figure Ham, who was the son of Noah. What is interesting about this is that Hams’ Greek name would translate to Herma, which amazingly means “a pile of stones”, which seem to relate to the knowledge of building megalithic structures through geometry and complex mathematics linking mankind to understand the solstices and equinoxes. According to my own research it seems the figure Thoth was not a single figure but a compilation of ancient “thoughts”, titled thought spelled Thoth by Greeks. Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 400’s BC was the head of a secret society called Hermes Trismagistus, which took its name from the mythical Greek god Hermies.This same group established the documentation of the art of geometry and alchemy, which was basically early chemistry mixed with astronomy. In fact Plato’s theories are the basis of western civilization.Pythagoras was also highly influence by the society, which had knowledge of ancient writings that supposedly had been passed down the generations. Pythagoras was also the first person to officially propose that the earth moved around the sun.For some reason around the 10th century the Qabala or Qabalistic knowledge was encoded into Jewish religious writing. Apparently at this time the foreign conquest had worried the Jewish spiritual leaders, so they decided to hide the teachings and make it a secret, from not only non-Jews but from Jews as-well. After this the Qabala became secretive, forbidden and only taught to the highest scholars and priest. In contemporary Orthodox Judaism a person must be at least 40 years old, mature and married before they can begin to study the Qabala. In early Jewish traditions the temple of Solomon was actually built for the “storm-god” Yahweh, who later became the one true god… even in the modernized version of the old testament in the King James bible, god is presented as Jehovah from the time of Adam until later on during Moses time when god becomes referred to as Yahweh.King Solomon’s temple was built on Mount Moriah, but had originally been planned to be built in another spot. After the temple was built, Solomon realized that the original spot was where Enoch’s temple once stood, generations before Moses. Solomon then built a secret underground tunnel to a vault directly below the former place where Enoch’s’ temple which was known as the Sanctum Sanctorum, which means holy of holies, once stood. Placed inside were the secrets of Enoch.In the Qabala, the tree of life is the sacred representations of a person’s ultimate understanding of god. The tree itself contains 10 points called Sephiroth that run 22 different paths or channels interconnected. The Hebrew language has a 22 letter coded alphabet and each path is assigned a letter from the Hebrew alphabet. The 10 Sephiroth and 22 paths together make a path of 32 movements, which is associated with the 32 degrees of Freemasonry as it is a journey through understanding to a better understanding of god.A religious man will say “god is all, with no beginning or ending, always was, always will be, always in existence moving through form, without form, all around us”.A physicist will say “energy is all, with no beginning or ending, always was, always will be, always in existence, moving through form, without form, all around us”.The answer to this riddle should be clear, the study of physics is the study of god, rather than the worship of philosophy, and in understanding this would mean that the language of god is without a doubt… mathematics. Through the control of recorded information secret societies have established a system to which information distribution is controlled and education steered in the direction they please. The code of Thoth again is revealed by etymology… As we already know Thoth was an ancient mythical deity that existed in Atlantis and after its destruction brought the knowledge of Atlantis to Egypt. Later on authors incorporated that he brought the knowledge to South America as well, in order to explain how ancient Mayans and other native tribes had the advanced mathematical knowledge. The representation of Thoth is to represent that knowledge does exist from a previous time before a major disaster. Thoth is usually shown with the head of an Ibis. Ibises are a group of long legged birds and according to folklore; the Ibis is the last to leave from the wild life animals to take shelter prior to a hurricane and is the first to repair its surroundings after a storm passes. Thoth is the English version of the Greek word Tahuti, which is taken from the Egyptian word Dihauti, which is written D.H.W.T.Y, which was derived from Dhw, spelled D.H.W, which means “he who is like the Ibis”… and one should remember the word Thoth is in reference to Thought. The code of Thoth is the realization that compiled thoughts recorded over generations are the key to not only productive evolution, but it is also the route to the complete understanding of god or the universe.
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