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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Capitalism vs proper health (Energy Supression)

The necessities of food, clean water, rights to land and energy are all industries that have been manipulated to make us dependent under this system. From holding back technologies to sabotaging the minds of the people that use these products years of careful planning has shaped our economy to exactly what it has become.What is the history of the electric car? It’s the history of big business, the pre-set stage of global warming and world pollution, allowing the justification of agenda 21; it’s the set up for war in the middle-east, and it’s about oil. In 1996 electric cars began popping up all over California. They were quiet, fast and produced no exhaust. It also ran without any gasoline. Years later these cars were almost all gone. The cost of running the cars would have been the same as operating a gasoline car if the gas prices were only 60 cents to a gallon. So why don’t we see more electric cars being produced? One reason might be there is still roughly at least one trillion barrels of oil left on the world to be sold. That is about 100 trillion dollars still to be made. Starting to get the big picture!When most people imagine an electric car they imagine a small two seated car that looks like it could be blown away by wind. The truth is electric cars can be designed to fit any model. The 100% electric Phoenix sport-utility truck holds five passengers, has plenty of cargo space and does 95mph and 0 to 60 in 10 seconds. There are many others like this.The electric car was first invented by a Scottish businessman named Robert Anderson. It was actually an electric carriage and was built between the years of 1832 and 1839. During the same time a Netherlands man Christopher Becker designed a small scale electric car. From this time to the 1900s the electric car was improved on and just prior to the boom of internal combustion engines electric automobiles held speed and distance records. One of these records was made by Camille Jenatzy in 1899 whose electric rocket shaped car reached a top speed of 105.88 km/h. Even Thomas Edison among many others had created electric cars and for a period they outsold gasoline powered vehicles. Due to technology limitations at the time, the top speed of early commercial electric cars only reached a speed of 32km/h. However these vehicles were still popular and sold as city cars to upper-class citizens. This was because the electric car did not require hand-cranking to start. In 1913 Cadillac introduced the electric car starter for internal combustion engines and hand-cranks were no longer needed. This invention contributed to the downfall of the electric car, as Ford began mass producing the inexpensive Ford model T car with the electric engine starter. From there more attention went towards oil powered vehicles as oil barons and big vehicle manufacturers partnered up and began to develop oil based vehicles that would out perform their electric competitors. Forklifts and other industrial vehicles were introduced by Yale in 1923 and by the 1930s the electric car completely vanished. However beginning in the 1960s and up until the 1990s many small independent groups began again producing electric cars, but automakers refused to properly market or sell their electric vehicles. The ZEV (Zero-Emissions Vehicles) mandates were fought by big oil companies and car manufacturers as they tried to totally eliminate the electric car. Toyota sold its last electric car to the general public in 2002; all other electric cars with minor exceptions were withdrawn from the markets and destroyed by their manufacturers. Then in a desperate attempt to save the electric car citizens of California fought the decision and as of July 2006 there were 76,000 (LSV) Low-Speed Battery powered vehicles in use in the United States. The electric car was only allowed back on the markets with the demands that no highway capable electric cars are made, only LSVs could be made. In Canada, British Columbia is the only place where you can drive a LSV. Quebec is also allowing LSVs in a three year trial project. None of these cars in production are allowed on the highway. At least not until Nissan, Dodge, Mitsubishi, Ford and many others complete their designs of highway capable electric cars in 2009 and 2010. Coincidentally gas prices would rise to extremities and just before the production of highway capable automobiles these prices would begin to decline.
The concept of free-energy is not that it is free of cost; it is merely very inexpensive and abundant. It is called free-energy because it cannot be monopolized and can be independently obtained without the need of an industrial set up. The earliest recorded ideas of free-energy came in the 1800s from a man named Nicola Tesla who believed that universal energy could be tapped into and distributed to the entire world at an extremely low-cost. His financial backer J.P Morgan realized that this system could not be metered and provided people with unlimited energy at a set price. Immediately funding was stopped and Morgan used his media and political contracts to ruin Tesla’s career. After Tesla’s death the FBI took possession of all his papers and documents and declared them top secret. The USA had been interested in a few of Tesla’s designs such as the teleforce which was a high frequency sound weapon, a death ray which was a type of laser / maser and of course his notes on energy and anti-gravity magnetism. Tesla also invented a light bulb that was longer lasting and cheaper than his boss’s light bulb Tomas Edison, yet somehow his light bulb never made it to the markets. He was not the only scientist known to be suppressed, there have been hundreds.In the 1930s a man named Thomas Moray reported that his family and he had been threatened and even shot at to stop his research and public demonstrations of cheap energy.The Phoebus cartel, which controls big electric companies such as Osram, Phillips, Tungsram, Associated Electrical Industries, Compagnie des Lamps, International General Electric and General Electric overseas group was set up in 1924. They quickly took control of the light bulb industry and since then have been accused of preventing technological advances of cheaper longer lasting bulbs and other related items. It’s believed by a few that the Phoebus cartel and the Seven Sisters Super-majors oil cartel have been holding back technological improvements to the electric car for profit reasons for many years. To most the idea of an energy conspiracy is just not possible, others will believe that aliens provided us with all that we know and some will continue to wonder what was really real.Anti-Gravity technology, known to some as alien technology or UFO technology has been around and understood since at least the 1940s. James Clark Maxwell a physicist that created the Maxwell equations, which became the foundation for conventional electromagnetic theory in the early 1900s. In 1933 a new discovery was made by Walter Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld. They realized that a magnet could hover in mid-air over a super-cooled superconductor. This became known as the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. From there scientist developed a mercury based super-cooled super-fluid-magnetic-fluid. This fluid is like none other and is able to flow with zero friction in a tube, meaning once it starts it never slows down. However because there is no friction there are problems with rotating a super-fluid. For instance if you have a circular container with super-fluid inside, because the super-fluid has no friction, moving the container around does nothing because there is no force pushing the atoms around. If the super-fluid is also a magnetic fluid this allows the fluid to move in the presence of a magnetic field allowing the super-fluid to continuously flow.A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Reports of UFOs date back to ancient times as ancients often drew pictures of circular flying objects. Aside from pictorials and traditional stories of the “gods”, the first official investigation of UFOs began during World War Two as allied airplanes reported sightings of what became known as the “Foo Fighters” and the later 1946 European “Ghost Rockets” sightings. During these times allied governments believed these were secret weapons, but as time continued answers were never published and these events became huge mysteries. With the help of famous writers and movie producers along with conspiracy theorist the mysteries quickly became an alien conspiracy.The Roswell incident in 1953 gave the alien conspiracy its big break, when something crashed in Roswell New Mexico. Many claim to have seen a UFO circular shaped aircraft, while the government claimed it was just a weather balloon, but had acted suspiciously giving more than enough reasons for many to cry out conspiracy. Except now the scream of conspiracy was pointing towards aliens rather than technological suppression. Many believed the technological boom of the 1950s and 60s had been due to alien intervention… so who built UFOs?Documents show that Nazi Germany was interested in anti-gravity technology and that they even attempted to try and create the technology as well as mimic it. Aircraft that was designed to appear similar to circular UFOs was created as well as rockets that were modeled to enter space atmospheres. It’s not known if the Nazi’s ever had any success though. However after World War Two and the defeat of the Nazi regime both the Soviet government and American government seized the Nazi scientist and these countries would also be the first two nations to enter into space.
The AVRO CF-105 arrow was a Canadian aircraft project in 1953 that was considered an advanced project and was cancelled in 1959 because the American government feared the Soviet Union could get its hands on the design. The same Canadians that worked on that project later became engineers to NASAs space task group and worked on the Mercuri, Gemini and Apollo missions. Three years previous to the beginning of the AVRO CF-105 arrow project, a group of scientist in Shirley’s bay in Ottawa Ontario had been working on a project called Project Magnet, which officially was a UFO study program established by the Canadian Department of Transportation in 1950, which was also three years previous to the Roswell crash. The group’s ultimate goal was to apply any findings on the subject of geomagnetism to the possibility of exploiting earth’s magnetic field as a source of propulsion for vehicles. In November of 1953 the project completed what Arthur Bray called “the world’s first flying saucer”. Everyone has heard of Area-51, but few have ever heard of Canada’s Shag Harbor incident and even less speak about America’s Write Patterson Air force base. Documents once classified from Write Patterson air technological division in 1955 reveal that the government had began to work on a circular aircraft in a project called Silverbug, however it’s claimed the project was cancelled due to impossibilities. In the summer of 1980 a strange disk object was reportedly seen over Write Patterson.The facts are the knowledge of these things have been known to humans for generations, take the Baghdad battery which clearly shows mans understanding of electricity 4000 years ago. What gives mankind the advantages over others is both the pieces of recorded information and the time to be able to experiment. What we think is new, has only been reborn and what we think is fresh was simply an idea built upon another idea. What makes this capitalist-classist system an undercover form of slavery is its need to trick us into belief, its need to cause materialism to do so and its need to make us dependent rather than self-reliant and independent. In every fancy name we have, we produce the exact opposite, we are not liberated, we are imprisoned, we are not free, we are free to choose between the options presented to us by our leaders, and through it we are caught up in the everyday struggle of competitive survival, where it is not brother and brother together, but brother against brother for survival or brother and brother against brother and brother for power of control and yet no matter what options we take through classism we remain underneath the masters of money. Locked in a system where goods are traded for paper backed simply by what you can owe. Stuck in an economical system that drive us to compete under a monopolized empire that relies on us needing which elements they deem necessary.
Coal is the new and old source of energy, as it was used previous to capitalized oil, and will be used during the age of oil collapse when oil reserves become scares and the Invisible Empire must find ways to keep energy affordable to middle-class to say the least. In African poverty zones coal is still a main resource as the civilization there cannot afford to use oil the way westerners do. Still the western market capitalist maintain their control over the coal mines and made sure to in their wars against the mountain people in the 19th and 20th century as they turned an intelligent independent group of mountain people into “hillbilly’s” through years of propaganda claiming the people were unorthodox morons that sustained their society through inbreeding, all the while they stole the mountain peoples lands, took over their coal mines and engaged themselves in arranged marriages between relatives. Modern times are no different only tactics of propaganda have changed. In Africa a group of rebels engage in a process of making coal by using an old technique of covering wood and slowly burning it. This coal is then sold back into the market place and provided to the citizens of poverty stricken Africa at a price lower than coal prices generally go for. The people need this coal for heat and other uses because they cannot afford other sources. To combat this loss of capital the coal barons, yes the coal barons, which again are members of the U.N and is known as the World Coal Institute and operate to promote the use of coal have a group of lobbyist that have stated the rebels in Africa that are extracting coal from trees are “in fact” terrorist. Another branch of the U.N claims these people are criminals that are illegally cutting down trees that are to be preserved by national parks and states coal being made this way is illegal. This all travels back to the “energy security branch” which is a group that protects the world’s supply of energy. Due to easy access to energy and the uneven distribution of energy well established countries in the pockets of major corporations need protection from competition over energy sources, attacks on supplies, and natural disasters. Coincidentally the energy security is headed by the Group of Five, which consists of the world’s five industrial leading nations being Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, America and France.

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