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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Capitalism vs proper health (water)

These days it seems as though everyone is sick from something. We have seen how huge industries we believe are in operation to provide and benefit us are actually first in operation for economic control, then for profits and then finally for the peoples interest. Such industries as tobacco have proven how corporations distribute not-fully tested products or how harmful products are sold if there are enough acceptances for them. All industries that operate under this capitalist system are forced to treat their matters this way, with stabilizing the economy through more sales and providing employment, then secondly for profits to maintain their place in the chain of command and finally for the well being of the people, the Water industry is just that as well. The human body is made up of anywhere between 55% and 78% water depending on body size. To avoid dehydration the body requires one to seven liters of water per day. Drinking more water helps the body to flush out the toxins that build up. However the exact amount of water a body needs to be healthy is unknown. There is no scientific research that backs up the “fact” humans need to drink 8 cups of water a day, and that amount of daily intake can vary day to day based on certain principles such as warm weather, humidity, exercising, etc… also people that drink too much water while exercising are at risk of water intoxication which can be fatal in extreme cases. Drinking pure water (H2O) has much more benefits than drinking public water. The reason for this is simple, public water has minerals and added chemicals in it, while pure water is just that, pure water (H2O, 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen). When we drink pure water we are helping flush out our bodies, drinking public water would contradict flushing out the body. Fortunately in Canada public water is more-less clean, however the World Health Organization predicts a water-crisis by 2025, estimating half the world’s water would be contaminated. Aside from that public tap water has some pretty scary facts. To begin public water travels through underground pipes, many of which have not been changed in the past 40 years. These pipes collect rust among many other things. You wouldn’t drink from a rusted straw would you?Tap water naturally can contain calcium carbonate in hard water, magnesium, iron and other metal ions as well as odoriferous gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Fluoride is also added to water and many feel it’s a dangerous additive. Fluoride is a dangerous chemical, however it is put into water at low percentages that regulations claim are safe based on the toxicology methods. Oppositions to fluoride in water argue these regulations are based on the average that adult men drink two liters of water per day, but this is not a set case. Adult men could drink more than two liters a day based on their size, which would put their fluoride levels higher than the recommended dosage based on toxicology methods. Also regulations are based on adult men not young children or small women. This argument has been going on since the 1940s. Chlorine is also added to public water supplies to help clean it, however public water cannot be cleaned fully and when electrodes are added to the water traces of waste can be found. Many concerns to tap water have turned many people towards bottled water as an alternative, yet many are mis-informed and believe the bottled water industry is their only alternative for clean drinking water. The bottled water industry is a fast growing business Worldwide. The largest market is in Europe and they estimate 27.7 billion liters of bottled water per year of consumption. The next largest is the United States with an estimate of 11 billion liters. Asia follows as the third largest market with Latin America and Canada following. The bottled water industry boom began in the 1980s and has grown tremendously over the years. The bottled water industry grew mainly because of joint activities of the World Health Organization, local governments and big beverage companies such as Pepsico and Coca-Cola. Many well funded campaigns since the 1980s have been warning us about tap water and using water shortage and contamination as scare tactics to the public. In recent years we’ve discovered that bottled water might not be such a good solution or alternative if we want clean water. The effects of used empty plastic bottles have been negative on the environment as plastic bottles are going un-recycled and filling up landfills. Plastic water bottles also seem to have negative effects when being stored in sunlight. 1/3 of all bottled water companies also do not meet their standards, while most do not provide any more health benefits than tap water. A non-scientific test was taken where 75% of people who participated chose New York City tap water over Evan bottled water in a taste test. So many people are under the false belief that bottled water is safer or more pure than tap water, this is not the case. In fact at least 25% of all bottled water comes from public water supplies (PWS). This means cheap bottled water that people buy believing they are saving money are actually paying double for the bottle of water; once to public water works through taxes and again to private companies that bottle it. So why do we use bottled water? The answer is simply availability and one sided marketing. The industry is dominated by four large transnational companies: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle, and Danone. These big four giant companies have economies that are larger than some countries. When one of these companies establishes a plant in a community they not only take water from the region’s water supplies but they also often receive massive subsidies and tax exemptions. The “free trade” law allows these companies to dominate through production as smaller companies are hit with regulations, limits, and pricing agreements, which effectively allow the big four to buy out their smaller competitors that stand no chance. Although we live in a country that produces relatively clean public drinking water, we are still adding unnecessary chemicals to our body and as the risk of contamination rises few people are searching for other alternatives. Contaminated water can contain bacteria such as campylobacter, E-coli, salmonella, shigella or even viruses such as hepatitis A, norovirus which is linked to gastritis and upset stomachs, rotavirus, cryptosporidium or even giardia a type of parasite. Chemicals such as arsenic, copper, lead, mercury, nitrate and radium can also be present. The safest and cleanest water to drink is distilled pure water. Distilled water can be obtained by building your own machine. Simply mimic nature… our ancients had been doing it for hundreds of years. Many believe boiling water cleans it, yet this could not be further from the truth. As you boil water the minerals and chemicals are being collected at the bottom of the pot. To get an idea of what I mean, boil 20 cups of water until all the water evaporates, and then look at the bottom of your pot! To acquire pure water, one needs to collect and trap the steam from boiled water. This steam is then turned back into water through condensation. It is the exact same process water goes through naturally as it is evaporated from lakes and oceans, collected in clouds and then eventually rains. The only difference is nature’s method still collects pollution in our atmosphere and becomes more acidic. Man’s method of distilled water shields from pollution and creates pure water. Of course if we all had a machine in our homes that cleaned our water, our water tax would be a lot less and the need for bottled water would quickly die down destroying a trillion dollar a year industry. In recent times a few pioneer capitalist have decided to “introduce” distilled water machines hoping these machines become the next micro-wave in a comparison to having a machine in every home, however as these machines hit the market in 2009 be sure they will cost a pretty penny. It should be known to all that the exact same machine can be built for as little as four dollars with everyday household products.

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