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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Capitalism and the Curse of Materialism

There is a thin line between greatness and ignorance and sometimes the two coalesce. Many of us are torn between the ideology of what life should be and what it is. We are torn between science and nature instead of merging the two, we are mixed up in philosophies of mystics rather than live within the laws of our universe and lost our communication with nature while the few that have remained with their ancient sense of knowledge have used it to exploit the resources and hold leverage over all others. The Capitalist system has been the greatest feat of the masters of social-classism; carefully designed to be viewed as “free” because of choice and to be equal because of democracy, while democracy is choice it is not and has nothing to do with capitalism and yet in the shadows of war’s consist a shadow war over the minds of people far and wide as we use words with alternative meanings to understand these words differently from point of view. Capitalism at the very roots is the need to buy and sell products as a whole unit. This means collectively for capitalist society to survive it relies on the growth of a super-power economically; it relies on collective cooperation from all enterprises and heavily relies on buying and selling more and more every day. This extends the need for resources and the creation of employment and further the purchasing of unnecessary products or the purchasing of goods or services that could be done more-less for free or at a generally low cost. Opposed to communism, capitalism is a god-sent, however other more equalized system’s could exist, but these systems are unlike the known classist systems and provide equal opportunity for all severely reducing the colonial industrial capitalist resource rapist and the power of the international man-god’s that finance multinational corporations. The capitalist system relies on its citizens to be dependent on its services as opposed to being independent. To some the illusion of luxury is preferred to the hard work of self-reliance and this is not frowned upon, what is the true opposition of capitalism is not towards capitalism itself, but rather a request to be freed as this system is clearly a enclosed bubble to which we are stuck to compete for survival. The injustice comes from the false understanding that citizens have of how the system works, how our leaders shift the blame of global problems rather that truthfully admit to what it actually is, and the mis-use of word such as “free” and “equal”. Under this system we are not free, we are given the choice to choose between certain options and often manipulated into decisions based on the information we receive; we are not free to be excused from the system as they hold us prisoner to their regulations despite any reasoning. We are not equal as we work for masters and pay tribute to the Invisible Empire who we have signed over unlimited power too. The Invisible Empire that is the United Nations led by the inner-circle of super-nations operates to maintain the system by mathematical design and engage in the pupetting of a Shadow War. The overall ideology of capitalism is the illusion that hard work is rewarded; this is only the case when hard work is also merged with submission to the system, as we are free to have ideas as long as these ideas are in the best interest of capitalism. In other words as long as you’re making money you are progressing the capitalist system. Through this we are cursed with materialism. Person’s saving money and not re-spending it back into the economy is a threat to capitalism, not changing your money from coins to paper or credit is a threat to capitalism and so many red-light specials are designed to attempt to turn you into a materialistic economical-bonehead. The last of the independent people were farmers, and sadly they had been the first attacked at the beginning of the 20th century as governments quickly used the power of greed and exciting new theories of leadership to manipulate farmers into debt. The debt was a result of the First World War in which farmers were highly important and had to produce lots of foods. Instead of opening up new lands to agriculture, governments convinced farmers to take loans and buy machinery equipment to modernize their practice and after the war food production reduced and prices dropped and farmers would be forever in debt and trapped within an economical price clash controlled by financers rather than the producers of goods. So sad it is that materialism has warped our minds to the point we have no true understand of how materialistic we have become and how much death we the average consumer creates worldwide. At the very front of the battle the average consumer that acts as an economical bonehead is the soldier of the oppositions of true freedom. From industries as water, energy, communications, medical, diamonds, music, etc… we are manipulated on levels the world would be outraged had the majority had the chance to fully investigate the situations. Often revolutionaries simply trying to survive on resources that once belonged to them are turned into terrorist due to their armed defense against imperialism and colonialism, and through it a monster comes out of the ‘shadows’ to assume the leadership of the rebels. Whether the newly self assigned leader was a part of the original set up or a quick diversion set up by capitalist in order to prolong the conspiracy of understanding the message of originality is always tainted and mangled to be a harmful solution that threatens the face of “freedom and equality”. As our economy becomes threatened the rise of social consciousness begins to affect a few citizens and this begins the change from materialism to necessities and the next stages of an Information War continue. The battle is between the materialist minded classist and the independent self-sufficient Equalist. An Equalist see’s the capitalist classist system as a curse of materialism not fully the fault of an individual but the product of the Invisible Empire to ensure the maintenance of an economical system dependent on materialism as well as dependency. Materialism has caused much confusion in the world of today; we have proud Christians that shop at Wal-Mart and buy Nike’s claiming to spread the work of Jesus, while just being products of the Roman Empire. They preach love and understanding but do not question taxes or the acts committed within the economical struggles of others. Islam has turned its back on Muhammad and associate Heroin with the movement as they manipulate the young black, South American and Asian youth of America. Gangster mentality is yet another invention of the Invisible Empire used to destroy the movements of true revolutionist and set them upon a path of self-destruction through materialism and the false belief that layers of ‘trees’ with ink can ever rise them above their masters. The ignorance of usury and international banking is their demise as they know not that the “paper in which they chase” only further strengthens the noose around their neck. The West is cursed with materialism and because of it we impose hardship upon the rest of the planet. To understand what I mean let’s take a look at a few industries: Credit, water, medical, electricity, coal, music, diamonds, clothing, and non-profit organizations. Credit is by far the “devil in disguise”, as it fronts to be a friendly aid to peoples in need; it is a trap to become in debt forever. This is because the capitalist system relies on debt. If everyone and every country were out of debt, the way we create money, money would not exist. The goal of the system is to offer as much credit as possible to peoples capable of covering the interest. The credit system allows the growth of the international banking conspiracy and furthers the creation of non-existent money. Yes, it does enable the process of scientific development to enhance quicker, and yes it does maintain a structure, but at what cost, and eventually the need to control the process often causes the suppression of scientific developments. The bottom line is this system cannot ever have equality in its true sense, there must be some that rise above others, and not all can continue in the rat race as many fall behind. It is like being chased by a monster and instead of turning back to fight as a unified force, we run in fear and chaos pushing each other aside as we try to get ahead and leave them in the dust, caring not who gets eaten in the process as we trample upon the runners that fell. As credit rises, eventually through competition some fall behind and cannot pay debts, this causes a wave of things to happen when this happens to large industries because it sends production into a spiral. If goods cannot be afforded factories slow down production, this leads to a loss of employment, which circulates to cause less to afford to buy products and a downward slide of the economy begins until it finally crashes.The system is dependency, and they who maintain it at its very foundation claim they care…but they do not, they care only enough to use you as collateral to further the comfort of their lives.

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