The association of Freemasonry or pre-freemasonic secret societies and the Christian Church is far too evident to deny. In fact we can clearly see the connection to secret societies and the founding of religions. The connection to Freemasonry or pre-Masonic secret societies, religion and astronomy is also undeniable. A perfect example would be the ‘Pillars or Boaz and Jachin’. The pillars of Boaz and Jachin are also said to have been built by Hiram Abiff on earth before he designed King Solomon’s temple, and the pillars were said to be after god’s heavily design that had been sent to him. This was true, as the pillars of Boaz and Jachin resemble exactly a nebula in space known as the pillars of creation also known as the eagle nebula. These pillars of creation however had only been recently discovered by modern astronomers, and in 2007 scientists using the Spitzer space telescope discovered evidence that the Pillars were likely destroyed by a supernova explosion about 6,000 years ago, but the light showing the new shape of the nebula will not reach Earth for another millennium.
There is an old Masonic saying that goes “god created men above the animals, so he created masons to be above men”. Many Freemasons will even go into deeper detail as to say masons built the tower of Babel and when god ordered that the people should speak different languages, he told masons to communicate by secret signs. Now so far we’ve seen the Masonic connections to the churches and religion and for those of you that don’t know what the tower of Babel is, it is a tower that is discussed only in religious texts and historically has yet to be proven to ever have existed…In the biblical story the descendents of Noah had migrated and were unified and tried to build a tower that reached the heavens and god. For some reason this angered god and he destroyed the tower and split the people up into different nations and languages. If the temple did exist the only references of it come from the bible which doesn’t go into detail of how the tower was destroyed and in the book of Jubelies the tower is described to be destroyed by an “act of god”, which is described as a gust of wind or extreme wind.Balal in Hebrew means to confuse, which is exactly what the Masonic order does, cause confusion. Balal is the root word for Babel. In 1563 Pieter Brueghel painted an oil painting of the tower of Babel and in the painting according to Freemasons are Masonic lodges shown at the foot of the building. The secret revealed is the old Hiram Abiff secret word…Babel referring to how and why the Masonic order cause confusion, it’s simply a way of building foundations. It is the tactic used to cause the major revolutions. By separation of the people, by tricking them into nationalism, keeps us divided and from the truth…that we are all equals.
In the bible Abraham’s son Isaac had married a woman named Rebekah and had two sons. The first son was named Esau and the second was Jacob. The biblical story explains how the second son Jacob tricks his brother into giving up his birth-right that first born sons would receive and later tricks his father and brother into becoming successor of the family. In genesis 36:9 Jacob becomes known as Israel and his 12 sons would later be known as the 12 tribes of Israel. In genesis 28:17 there is a reference to Jacob paying 1/10th of all god gave him back to god. This is similar to the Masonic process where a candidate is generally made a wealthy or prosperous man because of the order and is required to pay an annual fee for being a member and upon death a member is required to give 1/10 of his possessions back to the order.
The political – social structure of the Association Freemasons is often quiet confusing due to its complex system of democratic-totalitarianism hierarchical ranks. Conflicting isn’t it?With this brief explanation hopefully an entirely new world will open up in front your very eyes. There are many organizations registered under the Association Freemasons: such as the Swedish Rite Freemasons, The York Rite also called the Royal Arch, and the ancient and accepted Scottish Rite being the main one. However included under registration is Prince Hall Freemasonry for African descendent members, Jobs Daughters, The Rainbow Girls, the Order of the Eastern star and the Order of Amaranth for prestigious young girls and women related to Freemasons. Included is the Order of DeMoley for the sons of Freemasons among many, many other ‘good old boys clubs’ turned political think-tanks. The Association Freemasons could be understood better as a law that allows secret societies to operate under a set of certain rules such as registration and meeting places and dates. It is this rule that separates the Association registered members from gang members. The Association Freemasons accepts secret societies and submits them to follow their doctrine.
During the initiation period a candidate is under the impression that he is learning about the fraternity, which he is…but also through it how he is interpreting the Masonic symbols is how his superiors see what characteristics the candidate has. In other words the initiation process is actually an interview to allow superiors to know where to place a candidate. It can be denied but the fact is a candidate must apply to a lodge he wishes to join, however the lodge can refuse a candidate, which then the candidate has to apply to another lodge until he is accepted. If the initiation period wasn’t some kind of interview then how would lodges know to reject someone they feel won’t fit in or adjust well to that particular lodge? Another point that is not fully clear to a candidate at first is how dominant a superior officer truly is or what is truly in store for them as a Freemason.Members of the Freemasons meet as a lodge, not in a lodge. The word lodge is actually referring to people gathering rather than a place to gather. Masonic buildings are called temples or Masonic halls. In earlier times Freemasons met at a local tavern or any place with a fixed private room. Nowadays a Grand lodge or orient can be found in every city as a large temple or hall and every municipality or town has a rented house or legion used as a local lodge. Most lodges consist of Freemasons living within a town or neighborhood; others are composed of Freemasons with particular interest such as shared schools, military units or professions. Each lodge has a worshipful master, who is the lodge president. Senior and junior wardens act as vice president and a secretary and treasurer are present. There is also a steward, a chaplain, a deacon who is appointed to lead prayers in meetings and events and the lowest of important titles held in a Masonic lodge is a Tyler, who is responsible to guard the door to the lodge room where lodges are in session. A Blue lodge refers to the first three degrees of initiation. When a candidate is applying for membership to a blue lodge he is fully investigated and then members vote on whether the candidate should be initiated. The voting process is done in a ritual type ceremony where members place in a box-case either a white ball meaning accepted or a black ball meaning rejected or “black balled”. The requirements to be a Freemason are that a candidate must be a man that joins by his own free-will; he must be at least 18 years old and have at least two references from current members. A son of a Freemason is called a lewis and are usually placed in a Masonic junior branch for boys under 18, such as the order of DeMoley. The first three degrees usually take about one year to complete. At each stage a candidate is required to learn and master the defined meanings of a set of symbols and ritual instructions to understand his part in the ceremonies. The ceremonies are often theatrical plays that tell a story about Masonic history and teaches a philosophical lesson. A new applicant is symbolically viewed as a growing sprig of corn; in turn the sprig of corn is related to the star spica in the constellation of Virgo.
In the initiation ceremony of the 1st degree called the entered apprentice, the applicant must wear a ceremonial line-garment, his left sleeve is rolled-up and a hood is placed over his head so that he cannot see…it’s called being hoodwinked. At the same time a rope or noose called a cable-tow is placed around the candidate’s neck and one of his pant legs are rolled up, with a slipper worn on that foot. Being hoodwinked is symbolically representing the grand master of the lodge as the one who shows the candidate the light since he is the one who removes the hoodwink. The cable-tow is symbolically supposed to guide and control a candidate, representing a mentor’s leadership over an apprentice as they put it…or as I see it…it represents the control of guidance from a mentor to an apprentice. Both are right depending on how you look at it. For instance most Masonic symbology has no definite meaning and is open to many interpretations, although how ones mentor psychologically manipulates a student into a certain type of interpretation is a key tactic for a mentor to pass on their beliefs and justifications.The 1st degree is the entered apprentice degree. The 2nd degree is known as the fellow craft and the 3rd degree is the master degree. Each of the 3 degrees in the blue lodge is associated with a tracing board which is actually a painting of Freemasonry with coded ritual meanings placed within it. All tracing boards have the 3 main symbols of Freemasonry, which is a volume of sacred law, a set-square and compass.The 1st degree board shows that Freemasonry has a relationship to astronomy, as there is a blazing star, the sun, moon and 7 other stars.The 2nd degree board shows two Masonic columns that are portrayed as composed of brass and are said to be hollow. Hollowed Masonic columns were how Freemasons in older times left secret messages for each other. Another feature in the painting is a winding staircase also known as “Jacobs’s ladder”. The staircase is shown ascending into heaven and each staircase contains three steps representing the first three degrees titled hope, charity and master that achieved the goals.The rules or regulations that are learned at the entered apprentice degree are that a Freemasons first duty is to obey god and then to his master, whom an apprentice mason works for and he must not ever betray his masters secrets. He must not seduce his master’s wife, daughter or maid servant, he must not maintain any disobedience or argument with his master.After a candidate completes the blue lodge he can then apply to either of the advanced degrees of the York rite, Scottish rite, Shriners, Swedish rite or the specialty lodges.A specialist lodge of research only initiates qualified members that have the master mason degree and it is for masons with interest in Masonic research.When a person becomes a Freemason they gain enlightenment throughout the levels of the degrees. Every level is a numbered degree that begins with the first 3 degrees of the initiation level and rise from the 4th degree on. Every degree a Freemason is given a task to complete from his grand master or gate keeper or key master. Upon every task completed a Freemason is awarded by advancing to the next degree and given a secret… each secret is equivalent to being enlightened. It’s like being let in on a secret, no one knows except for their secretive group, secrets that help keep and make the freemasons what they are and have always been…Masonic lodges are also known as full moon lodges because in traditional times they would meet once a month on the Friday preceding the full moon. Knowing simple little codes like this reduces the level of secrecy for times of meetings, since non-masons normally never know when a lodge meeting occurs. Only traditional lodges still follow this tradition. Another important bit of information to add to this segment is the two main Masonic festival days which are the St. John days that are dedicated to the two patrons’ saints of Freemasonry, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. John the Baptist in the biblical stories is the person who baptizes Jesus and his birthday is June 24th and to Freemasons represents the summer solstice. John the evangelist wrote the biblical book revelations and to Freemasons his special day represents the winter solstice, December 27th….keep these dates in mind.One of the biggest confusions and curiosities of a non-mason are of the Masonic rituals.During the initiation oath of the entered apprentice or first degree, a candidate must take this oath:"I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear:1. to have my throat cut across2. My tongue torn out by the roots3. And my body burned in the rough sands of the sea at low water mark, where tides ebbs and flows in 24 hours. Should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this, my solemn oath or obligation as an entered apprentice help me god.During the ritual of an entered apprentice a candidate is dressed in a ripped white smock, his right pant leg is rolled-up; a noose called a cable-tow is around his neck and has a hood over his head so he can’t see. The candidate then is kneeled in front of the lodge’s worshipful master with the twin pillars of King Solomon’s' temple on each side of him.At a key point in the ceremony after receiving his new rank; he is placed in the north east corner of the temple to be given instructions. This position marks the path of light from the rising sun on the day of the summer solstice also known as the birth date of St. John the Baptist.The ritual ceremony for the second degree is basically the same set-up, except a candidate is placed in the south east corner, which marks the progress a candidate has made in the science of the craft. The position also marks the rising sun on the winter solstice and the birth date of St. John the Evangelist.In the 3rd degree ceremony also known as the master mason degree, it is generally the same set-up as the two previous ceremonies, except both pant legs are rolled up and the candidate is not blindfolded or as they say hoodwinked. As the temple door opens the candidate sees the room he is to enter in total darkness except for a small candle burning on the worshipful masters' pedestal in the east corner. The ceremony takes place between the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin, which marks the suns passage north and south during the solstices in front of the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem. At this point the story of Hiram Abiff is revealed.According to Masonic tradition, Hiram Abiff was a master mason who built the pillars of Boaz and Jachin and was the master architect of King Solomon’s temple. As the story goes 12 conspirators wanted to know Hiram Abiff's secrets of the Craft, so 3 out of the 12 had kidnapped Hiram and everyday 1 of the 3 men would demand the secrets and Hiram would refuse to tell and he would be struck with an object on the head. On the third day Hiram died, without revealing any secrets.During this ceremony a Candidate acts out the Hiram Abiff story as Hiram Abiff and when the candidate is symbolically fatally hit and is killed, he is then risen by the worshipful master by a special grip called the lions grip and whispered a secret word into the candidates ear.The secret word is Mah-hah-bone.Being risen by the worshipful master is symbolic for being raised from the dead, which in turn symbolized the candidate’s death as a mortal and resurrected by the gods to be a god.Mah-hah-bone in Hebrew is MVABAVN which means “emanatation of virile energy” and has a gamatria value of 756.Gamatria is a Masonic code that is coded by both letters and the letters numerical value in different and the same languages. 756 equal to the Greek word that means “rise up and walk”.In the bible book acts 3:6 it says:Then peter said, “silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I to thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Rise up and walk” and he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.The decoded meaning behind this ritual shows that Hiram Abiff represents the sun and the 12 conspirators are the 12 constellations of the zodiac. In the ritual Hiram is killed at the east door of the lodge and is then raised by the lions grip, which corresponds to the sign of Leo, which is the sign between July 23 to August 22 representing the mid-summer sun when the sun is at its full strength.Historically no one named Hiram Abiff from that period has been proven to exist. In fact the name might have been derived from the French phrase Hiram a biffe, which means Hiram who was eliminated or killed. During the ritual as a candidate is being raised by the lions grip the worshipful master and the Candidate touch each other in the 5-points of fellowship.The candidate is then showed a black grave that has a real human skull and crossed thigh bones placed upon it to represent the candidates own mortal remains. The worshipful master then directs the candidates’ attention towards the east where he sees a 5-pointed star shinning in the darkness between the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin. The star represents the bright star in the morning and evening…Venus.The reason for the 5-pointed touch of fellowship is because as Venus moves around the sky it touches the path of the sun in 5 places, and this is done as followed…(Hand to hand, foot to foot, knee to knee, chest to chest and hand over back).Most candidates’ involved with Freemasonry never learn the true meanings behind many of the traditions they follow as Freemasonry like many other religions if not all are open to philosophies, but have a secret core in astronomy.According to the initiation levels, all the old secrets were lost with Hiram Abiff; however we have just seen the ancient reasons for these rituals…In the book “The book of Hiram” by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, who are both Freemasons, who both had little knowledge at first, but are given additional texts of literature from past masons and those of higher degrees it shows how secrets were never lost, but handed down selectively, which adds points to the theory that just because someone is a Freemason doesn’t necessarily mean they know the true nature of their order.
At the end of the ritual the worshipful master says:“Brethren by the 5-points of fellowship, ought we to be united in one sincere bond of fraternal affection, which will sufficiently serve to distinguish us from those who are strangers to our Masonic order and may demonstrate to the world in general that the word brother among masons is something more than a name”.
A lot of controversy exists as to whether or not a group called the Illuminati exists. Technically the Illuminati doesn’t exist. When a Freemason completes the 32rd degree (or the highest degree of their set order) they receive a certificate of an honorary degree, the 33rd degree, the highest degree attainable. This degree certificate proves a mason has completed the lessons of the order and is now considered a supreme master mason or illuminated…Although a mason cannot receive any higher degrees, the supreme master mason or illuminated mason can now apply to the supreme master lodges, which had become known as the Illuminati. So in all reality what is considered the Illuminati is actually Freemasonic lodges for members whom have completed the Masonic lessons.The word illumination simply refers to light or a light bursting through darkness, which is symbolic philosophy for knowledge; so hence an Illuminati or illuminated Freemason is one who is knowledgeable. During the ceremony of “gradation” a candidate is presented in front of them the Bible, Qur’an, book of law and the Hindu scriptures and told to kiss the book of their religion. A skeleton is then passed to the candidate, which is in the form of a human skull upside-down filled with wine and is told to repeat the words;“May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the hemlock juice drunken by Socrates should I ever knowingly or willingly violate the oath”.Then a member that is already a 33rd degree mason hugs the candidate portraying the 5-points of fellowship as they both say:“And may these cold arms forever encircle me should I ever knowingly or willingly violate the same”. To just give one more example of how powerful this society is in shaping the views of our world I have to point out the Order or Chaeronea. The Order of Chaeronea was a secret society for the cultivation of a homosexual moral, ethical, cultural and spiritual ethos. It was founded by George Cecil Ives in 1897, the goal of his order he began was to “cause the end of the oppression of homosexuals” and knew it would not be accepted openly in society and must therefore have a means of underground communication. The society is named after the location of the battle where the Sacred Band of Thebes was finally annihilated in 338 BC. The order, according to notebooks, had a specific purpose, distinct prescriptions and philosophy, and its particular symbolism: the "sign-word" AMRRHAO and "the seal of the double wreath." The prerequisites of membership are indicated to be "zeal, learning and discipline." The principle of secrecy is conveyed by the metaphor of "the chain" underlining that one should never reveal any information about the order or its members. The order can be said to have been the first gay-rights group formed in Britain, and it presaged much of the modern gay political organizing of the twentieth century. Thought to be extinct in the late 1990s a semi-successful effort to reconstitute the Order of Chaeronea along Freemasonic lines of doctrine, governance and ritual was principally undertaken by the Moorish Orthodox Church's Bishop of New Jersey, the Rt Rev. Sotemohk A. Beeyayelel. Dr. Beeyayelel was appointed as Grand Master of a newly instituted Grand Lodge of a revived Sovereign Military Order of Chaeronea which today has affiliates in New Jersey, Kentucky, and Missouri (USA), the United Kingdom, France and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and South Africa. The new Order is an affiliate of the Union of Radical Magi.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009
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